Complete list of Yi Li's publications

author = {Li, Yi and Song, Yi-Zhe and  Gong, Shaogang},
title = {Sketch Recognition by Ensemble Matching of Structured Features},
booktitle = {In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
year = {2013}
author = {Li, Yi and Hospedales, Timothy M. and Song, Yi-Zhe and  Gong, Shaogang},
title = {Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval by Matching Deformable Part Models},
booktitle = {In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
year = {2014}
author = {Li, Yi and Hospedales, Timothy M. and Song, Yi-Zhe and  Gong, Shaogang},
title = {Free-hand Sketch Recognition by Multi-Kernel Feature Learning},
booktitle = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU)},
year = {2015}
author = {Li, Yi and Song, Yi-Zhe and Hospedales, Timothy M. and  Gong, Shaogang},
title = {Free-Hand Sketch Synthesis with Deformable Stroke Models},
booktitle = {International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)},
year = {2016}